Computer and Its Evolution: All You Need to Know

The discovery of the computer or its origin brings evolution like online learning platforms get to the education system with different software like LMS portals and institute ERP. In today’s era, every field is dependent on the computer, including banking, medicine, finance, education, and IT. So now the question is who developed the first computer, and how computer generation we have used till now. This article will discuss the detailed study of computers and their evolution.

The discovery of the computer was a mistake by scientists. Charles Babbage wanted to evolve the perfect calculator, so he came up with the idea of a computer. But the actual computer was built somewhat 120 years after he designed it.

1st generation computer- 

  • It evolved in the year 1940 to 1956.
  • It was built using vacuum tubes as its leading technology.
  • The main aim of creating this computer was to calculate the ballistic weapon during the second world war.
  • It was as big as a room and consumed a lot of electricity.
  • Hence it was not easy to manage nor carried well.

2nd generation computer – 

  • The era of the 2nd generation computer is in the years between 1957- 1963.
  • The unique feature of this computer was that the formation of this computer uses a transistor developed in the USA, and hence the place where transistors had silicon. Because of silicon, the site gets its name silicon valley later on.
  • The main aim of the computer was to calculate.
  • It was pretty easy to assemble and easy to carry.

3rd generation computer

  • People were operating the 3rd generation computer between 1964- 1971.
  • This computer had chips, which were fitted with many transistors.
  • The development of 3rd generation computers depended on Moore’s law which states that every two years, the number of transistors is doubled, which can be fitted into the integrated circuit, reducing the cost of the integrated circuit by half.
  • It solves the calculation faster.

4th generation computer

  • They have been used since 1972 till now.
  • They are minimal as compared to earlier computers.
  • These run on the microprocessor, stamp-sized chips containing all the crucial circuits needed for it.
  • The first company that made the computer was Intel, which combines the word Integrated and electronic.
  • Apple ii is a prime example of the earliest fourth-generation computers.

5th generation 

  • These are future generation computers.
  • They may use neutral networks and artificial intelligence.
  • The computer can be used in all fields, including medicine, research, or entertainment.

Benefits of computer 

  • It can work 24*7 – computers are easy to use compared to human capital; they can do fast work and last for a long time. 
  • Internet – The internet is the most significant gift of the technological world. Real innovation depends on the internet. There are tremendous benefits of the internet, and e-learning is one. Nowadays, these platforms are equipped with interactive classrooms, school ERP and more.
  • Save a lot of data – The IT sector depends on the computer, and they save a lot of information compared to any other technology.
  • Help to become an entrepreneur – various people are setting up their own company, and with the help of another co-worker, they can be programmers or coders and make huge money and excel.


The above mentioned are the benefits of the computer in day-to-day life. They have completely changed human life, and it is used by the person belonging to any field, either scientists or engineering. Still, the difference in application makes them viable to be used by anyone. It is a medium of connection and evolution that makes us a technological world.

By catszo

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